Facebook Ads for Service Providers

Facebook Ads for Service Providers

Tired of buying leads through Angi’s or Home Advisor?

Our paid ad campaigns that generate a consistent stream of clients reaching out to you for estimates. Our base spend typically brings 50-60 in the first month.

Tired of buying leads through Angi’s or Home Advisor?

Our paid ad campaigns that generate a consistent stream of clients reaching out to you for estimates. Our base spend typically brings 50-60 in the first month.

Years of Experience


AD Spend Optimized


Leads Generated


Rated Online


Our Process

We create 10-20 ad combinations to quickly identify what works best in your area. Then, we optimize your budget to focus on the highest-revenue ads, delivering results in days, not months.

Revenue Calculator

Our Timeline


Day 0


Our onboarding call is 30-45 mins and covers everything including targeting, offers, page access, and service specifics.


Day 1-3

Campaign Buildout

We build 10-20 different variations of ads in your campaign, using a combination of your content, and our best performers. We make the selection on which variations are up for the first rotation.


Day 3-4

Launch Day

Once we submit the ads for review on day 3, they are typically approved and ready to roll in a few hours! We reach out to check in with you, and provide some additional first week resources.


1-3 Days Live

First Response

You can typically expect to see people start reaching out within the first day or so of your campaign going live. Keep in mind we want these first few to be perfect, but they aren't always.


Week 1

Week 1 Results

Week 1 is crucial in gathering data for your campaign, it gives us the feedback we need to make our first (and most impactful) changes. You can expect quality and volume to increase after your first week.


Every 2 Days (repeating)

Beat the Winners

We have eyes on your account almost every day. Our goal is constantly to optimize your budget towards the ads that are bringing in better results, kill the ads that are not, and tweak different variables to keep them improving.


Every 2 Weeks (repeating)

Communication is Key

We like to check in with you at least every other week, outside of that, you can check in with us as much as you'd like! Your feedback on how your estimates are going is very important for us to see the full picture and improve the campaigns.

What other successful
Hardscape Contractors are saying

"When I started Hardscape Growth, that's really what changed everything. I'm telling you the truth, because keeping a consistent schedule is literally the hardest part about this business."

"When I started Hardscape Growth, that's really what changed everything. I'm telling you the truth, because keeping a consistent schedule is literally the hardest part about this business."

"When I started Hardscape Growth, that's really what changed everything. I'm telling you the truth, because keeping a consistent schedule is literally the hardest part about this business."

"When I started Hardscape Growth, that's really what changed everything. I'm telling you the truth, because keeping a consistent schedule is literally the hardest part about this business."

Anthony Garcia, Owner of The Goldenscape

"The leads have been coming in at a good floe and are solid quality"

"The leads have been coming in at a good floe and are solid quality"

"The leads have been coming in at a good floe and are solid quality"

"The leads have been coming in at a good floe and are solid quality"

Richard Cortina, Owner of Richy Pavers

Facebook Ads FAQ

Facebook Ads FAQ

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

Where do people see my ads?

Our ad placements are focused on the Facebook and Instagram network (This is the best return we see, by far). This network can place ads anywhere on feeds, reels, messenger, marketplace, articles, and more!

Where do people see my ads?

Our ad placements are focused on the Facebook and Instagram network (This is the best return we see, by far). This network can place ads anywhere on feeds, reels, messenger, marketplace, articles, and more!

Where do people see my ads?

Our ad placements are focused on the Facebook and Instagram network (This is the best return we see, by far). This network can place ads anywhere on feeds, reels, messenger, marketplace, articles, and more!

Do I need to jump through hoops to qualify for your guarantee?

Absolutely not. Our only requirements are you meet our minimum ad spend ($30/day) which we require for our clients anyways, and you let us run what we know works!

Do I need to jump through hoops to qualify for your guarantee?

Absolutely not. Our only requirements are you meet our minimum ad spend ($30/day) which we require for our clients anyways, and you let us run what we know works!

Do I need to jump through hoops to qualify for your guarantee?

Absolutely not. Our only requirements are you meet our minimum ad spend ($30/day) which we require for our clients anyways, and you let us run what we know works!

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

How long are your contracts?

All of our standard agreements are month to month, cancel anytime. We get results quick, and we know once you see what we can do, you’ll want to work with us for a while.

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

Are my leads exclusive?

We do not generate the leads for ourselves, or act as a middleman in any way. Every lead that is generated goes directly from the ad to your inbox, we don’t touch them.

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Hardscape Growth is not a normal agency, we know "clicks" don't get you jobs booked. Let us show you how local lead gen experts do it.

Hardscape Growth is not a normal agency, we know "clicks" don't get you jobs booked. Let us show you how local lead gen experts do it.